Thursday, July 28, 2011

Friday Fun! July 29

Friday Fun! July 29, 2011

*First Line Friday at A Few More Pages.
*The Friday 56 at Freda's Voice.
I just finished reading The Freak Observer by Blythe Woolston.  Here are two quotes:
I got up and went to school today because nobody said I couldn't. I have a little yellow bruise under my jaw. It's a nice piece of evidence for the physics of force. -Opening line
So that was how we spent our lives. We were a shiny bright machine, a family of planets circling our own little star. And then The Bony Guy took a sledgehammer to us. -p.56
Since I've read the book already I know what both of these quotes mean.  So let me say, that the book uses physics as the thread to pull the story along.


Follow Friday!                      

The Featured Blog this week is The Book Addicted Girl.  Congratulations!





Q. Let's step away from books for a second and get personal. What T-Shirt slogan best describes you?

 I guess I didn't step too far away from books since my T-Shirt is about them!  Ha!
Hosted at GReads
This Friday's Question:

Character Envy: If you could be one character from a book, 
who would you choose & why?
Duh! No brainer!  Elizabeth Bennet.  Why? Because she ends up with Mr. Darcy! 


Be sure to sign up for my Blogoversary Giveaway!


  1. WOW! Where the heck did you find that awesome tee?

    Have a nice weekend!


  2. Hi, I'm a new follower :D

    ahah that would be a good shirt!

    and damn, I can't believe I didn't even think of Miss Bennet, nice choice!

    My FF and TGIF can be found:

  3. *Slaps forhead* How come I didn't think of Elizabeth Bennet?? What an excellent choice!! My Darcy *sigh* New follower.

    Heres my FF and TGIF

  4. Those are banned in other countries or something, right? I mean, The Bible isn't banned as far as I know, or some of those. *confused* Love the t-shirt though! :)

    Old follower! :)

    Here's my friday memes for this week.

    ♥ Sarah

  5. I've read many of those books!

    happy friday!

    my FF

  6. Oh, wow, your excerpts are shocking and suggest violence ahead. Thanks for sharing....


  7. I'd love to end up with Mr. Darcy too.
    Here's my HOP

  8. I love your excerpts and your t-shirt slogan!

    Here's my Friday memes:

    And if I had to choose a t-shirt from those I own, then it would be:

    "Mystery Lover" with magnifying glass on front

  9. Yeah Elizabeth is pretty awesome....and Mr. one to throw a fish at...;D

  10. I was going to go classic, but it has been so long since I read some of my favorites. Thanks for sharing. If you get a chance stop by
    Amy @

  11. Looking at that cover the 56 is not what I expected! Good one! Thanks for participating!

  12. Happy FF from a returning follower. Nice choice of t-shirt slogan.

    ~ Daniel A. Kaine - ~

  13. Rats: I think my comment headed into the ether.
    Here's a recap, just in case it did:
    For Banned Books Week this year, a YouTube channel will be set up so we can read 2 min. segments from favorite banned books. I'm going to see if I can champion it at my school... You in?
    Also, I'm looking forward to your review of The Freak Observer because as much as the cover creeped me out, the writing drew me in!

  14. I love that you used "duh!" just like I did...thanks for visiting my bloggy!

  15. Haha, love your TGIF answer! Short, sweet, and you get that marriage proposal! *sigh* I have a tea towel with that declaration written on it ;)

  16. Wow, love that T shirt! I have read most of the books on it too! Must get one of those...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  17. AHH. It happened again. Something may be up with your site: it's dumped my comments twice today. But third time's the charm, so here goes.
    I'm ready to figure out the YouTube tech aspects if you're game to try.
    If you want to communicate off-line about this, try me at actionreaders at gmail dot com.

  18. That is an awesome t-shirt. I want one that says that.

  19. Just hopping through from the follow friday hop. I am a new follower on gfc. Come on over to visit when you get the chance.

    Have a great weekend!

  20. Thanks for hopping by my blog! Great shirt. Sometimes I can't believe the books that get banned... And I love Elizabeth Bennet too. :)

  21. that book cover doesn't do anything for me, but those quotes - you've gotten me intrigued!

    and yay to banned books and mr darcy! :)have a great weekend!

  22. Cool t-shirt!! I'm hoping my school will do something cool for Banned Books Week. Returning your visit/follow!


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