Friday, June 3, 2011

First Line Friday 6/3/11

First Line Friday: How to participate: Share the first line (or two) of the book you are currently reading on your blog or in the comments. Include the title and the author so we know what you're reading. Then, if you would like, let us know what your first impressions were based on that first line, and let us know if you liked or did not like the sentence. The link-up will be at A Few More Pages every Friday.

The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Never Had To by DC Pierson
All the newspapers and TV pundits are calling this fall's freshman college class the 'Symnitol Generation,' but if the activity up and down my dorm hallway is any indication, this fall's freshman college class is the 'Stand Around Each Other's Laptops and Play The First Thirty Seconds Of Every Song On the Hard Drive Generation.'

I'm only a few chapters into the book but if this prologue is a peek into the future for what is in store for me in the rest of the book, I am looking forward to it.  I find this opening line quite funny.


  1. Oh, what an intriguing opener...thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  2. Nice opening! It sounds like it will have a good attitude and be quite funny. Enjoy your weekend!


I look forward to your comments and interactions! Join in the conversation.