Friday, June 17, 2011

Blogger Hop...Follow Friday...TGIF!

“How many books are currently in your To-Be-Read (TBR) Pile?”

Answer: I'm sure I have over 50 books here at home that I want to read, many I've had on"the pile" for years.  Also, I am a high school librarian with over 12,000 books in my collection.  Of those books, I would love to have the time to read over half of them, so theoretically I have over 6000 books on my pile, but would take me over 60 years to read at 100 books per year.  Ha! 


Follow Friday: Take a minute to check out other blogs and follow those that you find fun, exciting, interesting.  The featured blog this week is: Rhiannon Paille.  Congratulations.


Q. Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book in that genre made it your favorite?

A.: I like edgy, realistic YA literature: My favorites in that genre are any books by John Green (Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns are my favorites); Going Bovine by Libba Bray; Tales of the Madman Underground by John Barnes; and Stolen by Lucy Christopher.


Hosted at GReads!

This Friday's Question:

And I Quote: What are some of your favorite book quotes?

I am a collector of quotes.  But this time instead of going into my book of favorites I am going to give you my favorites of the week.

"His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbor's image blurred with my sudden tears. 'Hey, Boo,' I said. " -To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
"The echo of her laughter is the second sunrise I awaken to each day, and at night I feel it is more than stars looking down on me." -Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
"She opens her wings and takes me in. The song plays on and lights are so bright they seem to be alive. Dulcie parts her lips to kiss me and there's music. It's a note in an actave I've never heard before but I somehow know has always been there. A note of endings, of beginnings. A note you have to be ready to hear...She grins wide then. It's like the sky can't take anymore and it explodes, all particles and partner-particles and perhapsatrons, something new being born- a whole universe of yes and no and why the hell not?" -Going Bovine by Libba Bray


  1. I think my pile is small compared to yours and many others. I think I just have a different system or something.

  2. I love your choice of quotes.

  3. I have not read any books you mentioned within your favorite genre. I hear good things about John Green though. New follower :-)

  4. I'm just popping over (a little belatedly) from Parajunkee. I hope you have a nice weekend.

    Love your header image and orange background.

    I'm your newest follower.
    (my blog)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog - and yay you decided to add TGIF, good quotes, I haven't read any of them but I like the second one.

    My TBR pile is constantly growing, I work in a library and every day I find another one I want to read. It's crazy!

    Have a great week. :D

  6. I am in awe of your tremendous book collection. *bows down* :-)

  7. Hi, thank you for stopping by my blog yesterday! Came to follow you back! Thanks again!


  8. I'm liking the quotes! Thanks for sharing!

    Also, thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great weekend!

    NoraBell, The Bookery

  9. I'm stopping back by your blog after you hopped to mine yesterday! I just wanted to tell you, to answer your question, that YES! I AM a Nerdfighter! *DFTBA*

    Great quotes! I just read my first Libba Bray book, but it was A Great and Terrible Beauty. Loved it. Going Bovine is on my TBR list.

    ~Asheley @ Into the Hall of Books

  10. I've only read a couple of edgy, realistic fiction. I'll have to check out the books you listed. :)

  11. I have so many different TBR lists, I wouldn't know where to begin. On the computer, scratched out on a piece of paper, actual BOOK stacked on my dresser... and of course, like you-- the 12,000 books in my library (no, I don't want to read them all, but there are a LOT of them sitting there every day begging me.....)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


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