Friday, May 13, 2011

A Little Bragging Allowed?

Woot! Woot!

I have to brag just a little bit. I just finished listening to the audio version of The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell. It was 17 discs long and took over nineteen hours of listening. Every time I've climbed in my car for the past three and a half weeks I've listened to this thing and I am done. Phew. That felt like a herculean effort and I've done it!

If you keep a list of books you read and listen to, do you ever feel like the titles on the page don't show the effort at all? I read a book in a two-hour session and I listened for 19 hours. Not the same effort, for sure.

I won't be reviewing the book at this time because it is a book club selection for next month and several of the gals in my club read my blog occasionally and we agreed to not reveal our feelings about our selections ahead of the club meeting times. But, if you are reading this RHS Book Club gals, I'd encourage you to get started reading now. This is not a quick read.


  1. Congratulations! That is such a long book, I'm so glad you were able to finish it. I'll watch out for your review :D

    And the reason I thought Taylor Swift should read Audrey, Wait! was because she is always writing songs about her exes/past relationships/people who hurt her and although she writes really awesome songs, I sometimes get irritated about her having relationships with some famous people and then writing songs about it - it's like she's just going into those relationships just so she could have something to write about. I may be wrong, but that's how I feel sometimes, and I thought this book might help her see what such publicity does to the people she wrote songs about - either they deserve it or don't.

    As for The Handmaid's Tale for President Obama, I'm really not sure, I just thought that as he is the current president of the United States, he must take care that any decisions he makes would not lead the country to ruin, like what happened to the country in that book.

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  2. Holy Smokes. 17 discs. I love audio books - couldn't get through a road trip without one - but I don't think I would even pick up a 17 disc set. Brag away :)

    And the comment above about TSwift and Audrey, Wait just made me laugh :) I wonder if she's read it??

  3. Wow! I don't know how you did it. I can't listen to audiobooks in the car. I wish I could, but I get too distracted.

  4. Wow congrats on finishing! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this one after you hash it out in your book club.


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