Monday, May 9, 2011

It's Monday---What Are You Reading?

Book Journey
I have declared May the month I will read what I want to read, not what I should or have to read. This, however, means that I am reading a little of this and a little of that and I'm not doing a good job completing anything. Here's what I've got going right now and my progress.

What I'm Currently Reading:
1. This Book is Overdue: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All by Marilyn Johnson
     A librarians book about librarians. Ha! I'm on page 39/256.

2. Audrey, Wait by Robin Benway
     A very YA young adult book. I like it but would rather read other things. I'm on page 203/313.

3. Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich
     I may have gone to the well one too many times on Evanovich and her Stephanie plum series. This book isn't holding my attention. I'm on page 75/320.

4. Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School by John Medina
     This book was recommended by another teacher. I haven't made much progress, I'm only on page 20/440.

What I'm currently listening to on audiobooks:
1. The Thousand Autumns of Jacob DeZoet by David Mitchell
     The last time I participated in this Monday meme I was just starting this audiobook. Well I've made progress but it is slow. That reminds me, I need to renew this from the public library. I'm on disc 12 of 17. I figure that is about page 360/510.

2. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
      I've only listened to disc one of seven and may have to set it aside until I finish several other audiobooks (include the above book.)

What I hope to read (and listen to) next:
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
     I promised my youngest daughter that I would read this book next.

The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Never Had To : a Novel by D.C. Pierson
    Another librarian suggested I read this and I really want to.  Soon?  I hope!

Spilt by  Swati Avasthi
     I have already checked out this audiobook from the public library.  I hope to listen to it on my road trip to Oregon and back this week-end. It won the 2011 Cybil Award for a YA book.

What about you?  What are you reading right now?


  1. I liked Split and have heard wonderful things about Anna and the French Kiss. Have a great week!

  2. I enjoyed Audrey, Wait. I am ready for Stephanie Plum to choose and be a successful bounty hunter. Have a great reading week.

  3. So surprised that there's somebody out there who's juggling more books than I am at the moment! Among others:
    Image Grammar (2nd Edition)
    Grammar Rants!
    Stolen (on your recommendation!)
    13 Reasons Why
    Original Sin
    And the Pursuit of Happiness
    Building Social Business
    Best American Short Stories 2008

    Yipes. I'd better prioritize! Thanks for helping me to reflect...
    And I'm off to add This Book Is Overdue to my own library queue: Looks like it might be a good fit for ActionReaders?

  4. Sorry you haven't been able to finish any books, Anne. Hope that turns around for you this week. It helps my situation that I'm in recovery-from-surgery-mode and that's about all I can do. Once I get back to work, I expect my reading output to take a nose-dive.

    thanks for stopping by!

  5. I have days where I can read books in hours, like tonight I read all of Where She Went, and then it's like I can't pick up another book! I am fiercely loyal to the novels I read.

    Great blog title! I'll make sure to visit often!

  6. I think I'm going to add Anna and the French Kiss to my TBR looks cute!

    I took the Jane Austen heroine quiz on facebook and I was Elizabeth Bennet :).

    Hope to see you back around my blog soon!


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