Monday, April 25, 2011

It's Monday and I'm reading...

Book Journey
I'm reading-
Almost Perfect by Brian Katcher
I've been nibbling on this book for three weeks now. I finally have set aside some time for this award winning YA book.  I have just reached the half way point and it seems that the climax has passed.  I have no idea how the rest of the story will unfold.

I'm listening to-
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet by David Mitchell
This audiobook contains 17 CDs.  That is over 20 hours of listening.  Gasp! Just saying that out-loud makes it sound very daunting.  I think I'll try to find the book in print also so I can alternate between reading and listening which will speed up the process of getting through this epic tale. This is for an upcoming book club.

I just finished-
The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag: a Flavia de Luce Mystery by Alan Bradley
My advice: don't try to read a mystery over a six-month period.  It makes it difficult to keep track of all the little clues along the way.  I listened to most of this on audiobook tethered to my computer and boy do like the reader, Jayne Entwistle, but I just took too long doing it.

What's up next-
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Actually I was nearly half finished with the 1950s classic before I had to return it to the library for a student who needed it for a class assignment.  I just picked up a copy at the public library so I will get back to it as soon as I finish Almost Perfect. Plath sure could write.  It is such a pity....

I've also made a decision to declare May as Read What You Want Month.  During the month of May I am not going to read anything that I think I "should" read or that I "must" read.  No-no.  I am only going to read what I want to read all month. Want to join me?


  1. I've had both print and audio going at the same time too, works great. Have a great reading week.

  2. Absolutely I'll join you! I've just decided it's not going to be heavy on the classics this year - I'm just feeling in a light reading mood and that's what I'll be reading!

  3. Sounds like a good reading week, Anne! I have been meaning to read the Flavia books for ages and haven't gotten around to it yet. And I have never read Sylvia Plath - can you believe it?

    Enjoy your books this week -



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