Thursday, March 17, 2011

Follow Friday and Blog Hop

Book Blogger Hop

Question: "Do you read only one book at a time, or do you have several going at once?"

Answer: I always have more than one book going at once.  I always have an audiobook going in my car that I listen to as I drive back and forth to work. I usually have two or three books that I am reading at home. One or two next to my bed, and one in the bathroom in case I'm idling in there. :) And I usually have a book that I am reading that I leave at work.  Since I am a librarian it is OK to occasionally read during the day or at lunch. Often I will read graphic novels at work since I want to become more familiar with this format and I can consume them faster than regular print books. Right now I am working on 5 different books. 

What about you?  How many books do you usually have going at once?

 The idea of this meme is to find new blogs that I want to follow and to introduce myself to potential followers.  Each week one blogger is highlighted and the lucky winner this week is Jess at Gone with the Words.  Congratulations, Jess!

Question of the day: How did you come up with the name for your blog?

Answer:  Years ago I saw a poster of a woman with children in her hair and the title of the poster was "My Head is Full of Children".  I thought that was really funny.  But once I had kids I understood.  I felt like my head was full of children, too.  Then I got a job as a high school librarian and I felt like I always had books calling my name to be read or shelved or something. Pretty soon I felt like my head was always full of books...hence the name, My Head is Full of Books!

Poster that inspired the name of my blog.


  1. Hopping!

    I have been trying to read one book at a time this year. Success rate is about 75%.

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I love the explanation for your blog name. Too cute!

  3. Hey Anne, just stopping by on the follow. I'm your newest follower. Thanx for following. I love who you came up with the blog name, that poster is kool.
    Have a terrific weekend reading !!!
    See ya!
    Readaholics Anonymous

  4. Coming through on the blog hop.

    I have no problem reading two books at a time though it does not happen often. I generally like to finish one and then start another

  5. I love the inspiration for your blog title! I bet your head is swimming by the end of the day :D Have a great weekend!

  6. I only read one at a time. I'm usually to engrossed in the one I'm reading to read another.

  7. Hopping through. What are some of the graphic novels you've liked thus far?
    My Hop

  8. I love that picture. Happy Hop

  9. Hi, Anne! Thank you for stopping by the blog and for following! I am also following yours. :)

    Jess @ Gone with the Words

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I'm like you. I always have at least two books going at a time. I usually have one that's my "main" book, and then another (usually a classic or something longer) that might take a bit longer to read. I have audiobooks on my ipod but I haven't had the time to listen to them yet! I'd love to listen in the car but I share my car with my sister so I'd have to constantly start tracks over.


I look forward to your comments and interactions! Join in the conversation.