Monday, December 5, 2011

Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle

Let me say this at the outset-I am a huge John Green fan.  So it is rather shocking that I've had Let It Snow in my library for two years without reading it. It also explains why, when I finally did decide to read it, I would just naturally start with John Green's story, A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle, the middle story of the three.  Big mistake! Though it says it right on the cover I somehow missed the memo that this isn't a book of three separate Christmas short stories. Rather, it is a book of three interconnected stories that build on the information and characters from the story before.  Ha!  Don't make my mistake.  Read this book like any other book from beginning to end.

The stories in Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances are all set in a small town in North Carolina on Christmas Eve.  The town has been hit by a huge blizzard which causes all kinds of transportation problems:  a stranded train, cars driven into snowbanks, and people being forced to walk in freezing temperatures.  Every story somehow weaves common threads -- the Waffle House, Starbucks, cheerleaders (named Amber and Madison) -- into the storyline.  Each main character finds love and kisses, together with quite a bit of hilarity along the way, making for fun and poignant Christmas memories.

I liked each of the stories, but I think I liked each one for different reasons.  The Jubilee Express, by Maureen Johnson, was the story that probably touched me the most and I enjoyed the author's gentle humor and writing style.  The Patron Saints of Pigs by Lauren Myracle reminded me a bit of the movie, It's a Wonderful Life, with its talk of angels and the need for emotional growth and acceptance.  John Green's A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle featured my least favorite characters including a bunch of stranded cheerleaders and a romance that didn't seem to work quite as well as in the other two. But, hey, I read it out of order and it was full of John Green humor, which I adore. 

High literature? No.  Fun, YA lit?  Yes. Will I recommend this book to my students this holiday season?  You bet. In fact, I already have.

(This blog post was originally submitted on Dec. 2, 2010)


  1. Thanks for the tip - I totally would have read John Green's story first if I hadn't read your review! haha. I'm a huge fan of his and I haven't yet read anything by the other authors, but I will resist the temptation to start with his story. :)

    Sounds like it is a great holiday read!

  2. Great review! It's funny--I just finished this tonight and reviewed it. Then, I checked my reader and you had posted a review. I think we both felt the same way. All stories were good, but that John Green is hard to beat! Thanks!

  3. I recently started watching John and Hank Green's videos again... Meaning I watched about 20 of them on my day off. I've never read a book by John, but have wanted to for a while... Maybe I'll look for this. The holidays are coming! :D

  4. This sounds good! I still haven't read a John Green novel - must rectify that this coming year!

    I rarely read holiday-themed books, but this one sounds good.

    I gave presentations on writing and reading to 4 8th grade English classes at my son's school last month (he was mortified, but I think I managed to not embarrass him!). We had some lively discussions on book recommendations. I had lots of good ideas for them but came up a bit short for the girls who like girl-centric realistic fiction (I am after all, the only female in my household!). This sounds like one they would like.

    Sorry I haven't been around much - buried in college and scholarship applications!! I've missed reading your posts, though.


  5. You have a really great review =) Here's mine if you don't mind:

    Have a nice day!!! =) advance Merry Christmas ;D

    p.s. did you know the movie rights for this book has been bought?


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