Friday, December 17, 2010


Book Blogger Hop

Today's meme from Crazy for Books is:

"What do you consider the most important in a story: the plot or the characters?"

Plot might entice me to pick up a book but characters keep me reading.  My book group had an excellent discussion on this topic after we read the book Olive Kitteridge.  Olive is not a very likable character yet the book,  a series of vignettes all involving Olive, is excellent.  Is it possible to like a book if you don't like the main character? If you think your answer is no, think about the book Lolita.


  1. I definitely thinks it's possible to like a book if you don't like the main character. It's how I felt about Macon Leary in The Accidental Tourist. After while, he grew on me, but he's still not my favorite character by any means.

  2. HI new follower, first of all Have a very Merry Xmas!

    Second I say both are needed , first the plot has to intrigue you but same time the characters have to grab you.

    My Follow Friday/Book Blogger Hop

  3. Hi, new follower here. I'm looking forward to following along with your bookish adventures!


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