Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ten Books I'm Dying to Read

Yesterday over at Broke and Bookish the question of the week was what are your top ten books that you are dying to read. I decided to stay late at work to write the diary rather than come home and get distracted by "life". I happily sat at my desk and compiled a list of ten books that I really want to read but I can't ever seem to find the time and they keep screaming my name.  I was pretty proud of my list.  It seemed to represent the inner me and the eclectic book choices that I usually make.  As I finished the list I decided to go back and add copyright dates.  That done, I opted to add a few pictures of the books.  First picture added looked great so I decided for another.  Big mistake.  It attached itself, somehow, magically, maddeningly, to the whole document.  When I highlighted the picture, it highlighted the whole document.  Weird.  How do I undo that?  I wondered?  Oh I know, I will just hit remove on the picture it will remove it and all will go back to the way it was before I added the thing.  Wrong.  I removed the whole document.  Every word. Every link I'd created.  Everything.  All gone.  Zippo, and no getting it back either, no back button helped.  I just logged out and came home.  I had just wasted 1 1/2 hours of my life.  And now I don't feel like recreating that list.

Today in the light of new day I decided to reinterpret the question.  Instead of creating a list of books that I want to read, but just haven't gotten around to it yet, I decided that "Books I'm Dying to Read" are books that aren't published yet.  Books that I might stay up late to buy (with my age "might" is getting less likely), books that I am aware of their distribution date and look forward to reading before I process it for distribution in the library.  Mockingjay (Suzanne Collins) was one such book. I had the countdown running on my computer. I knew that August 24th was a Tuesday.  I was dying to read it from the time that I finished Catching Fire six months earlier. All the Harry Potter books, after the first book, were that way for me.  I couldn't wait to read the next one. So what remains on that list of eagerly, anxiously awaited books for me?  I can only think of a few.

1.  The third book in the Chaos Walking series, Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness. I read the first two books in the series this summer and I am watching the calendar for this one because it is due out the end of this month. I am anxious to find out how the mess at the end of book two will be resolved.

2.  The fourth book in the Eragon series.  I love going to the world where Eragon and Dragons live.  But this one is so far out it isn't even on the radar.  I might have to wait for years for this book.

3.  The Scorth Trials by James Dashner, sequel to The Maze Runner is due out Oct. 12th and I will position myself to read it before I put it on the library shelf.

That's all I can think of now.  Three books I'm eager (not dying) to read.


  1. OH, I can so relate to your computer woes!! I have had similar things happen, and it's so disheartening, especially after spending time on something. So sorry you went through that.

    I love the question, though, and may just post it on my book blogs, too.

    As for your choices listed here, you absolutely must read Mockingjay - it was wonderful. I posted a review without spoilers if you're interested:

    I haven't heard of most of the others on your list, but you've got me intrigued! My 16-year old son LOVES the Eragon series, though...I thought it was just a trilogy? Will there be a fourth book? You've just made his day!


  2. I'm so sorry to hear about that happening Anne. What a pain! I don't blame you for not wanting to go re-type it out again, not after so long spent on the first one, but I think you recreated it just fine. I think it might be a better interpretation.

    Another Inheritance Circle fan! It's a shame Paolini takes so long to write his books, but if it means coming up with the story he has then I guess it's alright. Still... What book do you like the most so far?

    I hope you enjoy the other books when you finally get them.

  3. Sue, I have read Mockingjay and loved it. I think that the author of Eragon intended to write the Inheritance (Eragon) series as a trilogy but realized that he couldn't finish up the story without another book. Unfortunately the author is a slow writer and it may be years until we get the conclusion of that series. I liked all the books in the series but I think that I like Eldest best...but I admit that the books are all blurred together in my mind.

  4. I feel your computer pains. Hopefully at some other point you can put together your original list. I'd love to see it.

  5. Oh, that is awful. :( So sorry that happened! Don't you just love/hate computers?

  6. oh shucks, thats too bad!

    and to your list: YES YES YES! amazing choices, esp. monsters of men!! *squee*
    thanks for stopping by my blog, i'm your newest follower :)

  7. Ahhh! I have the "due date" for both Monsters of Men and The Scorch Trials posted on my fridge! We're also eagerly awaiting The Dark and Hollow Places from Carrie Ryan in the spring.

  8. hi, thanks for following me!Im a new follower too now. I love the way you put the quote on top.

  9. I'm not completely sure. I wouldn't mind working in a public or college library. I think Special Collections would be very cool. I guess we'll see when I start the program and figure out what I like. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. Yeah, I'm wondering when the fourth book in the Eragon series is going to come out.


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