Saturday, September 11, 2010

Life is Good Award

Wow.  Another blog award.  Thank you Book Bee for the honor.  (I am not worthy!)  The recipient of this award must answer a few questions and pass it on.  So here goes:

To accept the award you must link back and thank the person who gave you the Life is Good award and answer the 10 questions and pass it along to 6 other blogs :)

1. If you blog anonymously are you happy doing it that way; if you are not anonymous do you wish you had started out anonymously so you could be anonymous now?

I don't consider myself anonymous on my blog.  If a person really tried they could figure out who I am and where I am a high school librarian based on my comments, my picture, my profile, etc.

2.Describe one incident that shows your inner stubborn side?

I can get pretty stubborn when it comes to ways I want my library run but I can also get talked out of things, too, especially if logic is applied.

3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the mirror?

This morning I'd have to say a woman whose hair is really frizzy and out-of-control.

4. What is your favorite summer cold drink?

Not sure what this question has to do with anything, but Passion Iced Tea like they make at Starbucks, but I make it at home.

5. When you take time for yourself, what do you do?

Luxuriate by reading in the hammock on warm days.  Getting pedicures.

6.Is there something you still want to accomplish in your life? What is it?

Participate in some humanitarian mission to an impoverished area or country.

7. When you attended school, were you the class clown, the class overachiever , the shy person, or always ditching?

Over-achiever, with a bit of the shy person thrown in.

8. If you close your eyes and want to visualize a very poignant moment of your life what would you see?

Listening to my daughter play Jupiter by Holst on her cello with her Youth Symphony at music camp.  She played that same piece eight years earlier at her first camp and now it was her last camp and the same music (harder version).  I felt like life had come full circle.  It made we weep...still makes me weep to think of it.

9. Is it easy for you to share your true self in your blog or are you more comfortable writing posts about other people or events?

My blog is about books and literature.  I  don't blog about my religion or my politics, though sometimes they may peak through.

10. If you had the choice to sit down and read or talk on the phone, which would you do and why?

I'm not much for talking on the phone, never have been.  So I guess I'd say I'd prefer to read.

The 6 people I am passing this award along to are:

I Adore Books and Film

Collette Kitchen Creations

Stuck Between the Pages

Buried in Books

Must Love Books

Moydrook Reads


  1. I don't generally like talking on the phone either. (doing it a lot more these days with Ashley in NYC though)Our answers to 4 and 7 are the same, except that I don't know how to make it at home! You'll have to give me directions.

  2. Passion Iced Tea recipe: Buy Passion Tea bags from the store... I think the brand is Stash. Make it like you would make any iced tea. Easy.

  3. Wow! Thank you so much for the award!! Have a great weekend!

  4. Thanks so much for the award! I wasn't sure anyone was blog hopping this weekend due to the blogfest. I did, but I figured no one else was! I'll probably wait til Monday to do this because I have two more books to review that have to go back to the library. They are on interlibrary loan and one of the libraries wants their's back. Thankfully, I finished it!

    Have a great weekend!
    Buried in Books

  5. wow! thanks so much for the award. i see you have been quite active over here lately ! i'll have to think abotu who to pass this on to. hope you are well!

  6. Aww, you are worthy! Love your comment about your daughter!

    -Linds, bibliophile brouhaha


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