Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's Friday! Book Blogger Hop Time!

Book Blogger Hop
August 26, 2010
Hi!  It is my second time on the Book Blogger Hop.  Please take your time looking around.  Comment on any reviews or join in any discussions.  Welcome!

Answer to the question of the day ---
Do you use a rating system for your reviews and if so, what is it and why?

At first I used a rating system but abandoned it after I gave a poor review to a book.  A week later, the book was still on my mind and I started thinking about all the favorable features of the book.  I decided that I didn't want to go back and change my rating each time my thinking on the book evolved, so I dropped the rating system.  Do you think they are helpful or harmful?


  1. Just hopping by to say hi, I am already a follower.
    Have an awesome weekend!

  2. Hopping through. I'm a new follower. Thanks for your Carlos Ruiz Zafon review. I've been wanting to read that book and Shadow of the Wind. I'm glad you liked it well enough.
    My Hop

  3. Happy Friday. Just popin' in to say hi. I am now a follower. Stop by Book Junky and take a look around:

  4. Thanks for the follow! Sometimes I think a rating system is good, but only when it's accompanied by something explaining the reviewer's reasoning. I don't care for ratings by themselves. They're meaningless. After all, what one person dislikes about a book, might be exactly what I like - so I want to know why that person gave it a thumbs up or down.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :]

    I think ratings are both helpful and harmful, depending on the reviewer.

  6. I'm hopping through via the Blog Hop.

    I think rating systems are helpful for the most part. I like reading in depth reviews for books I've already read but for the ones I haven't, I tend to like to check the rating to see if it's worth reading. I don't like going into a book with someone else's opinions in my head.

    I'm your newest follower. Happy reading!
    My Hop

  7. Great answers. I'm a new follower hopping through and I'm still undecided about useing a rating systems. Hope you come buy and read my answer. "i'm at

  8. Followed from the hop! Commented on a few things in your blog, but wanted to let you know I'm here! Hi.


  9. Hi there, just stopping by on the hop :)

    I think book ratings are helpful in a way that they serve as a bottomline for a review, but at the end of the day I think it's the written review that matters :)

    Erika Breathes Books

  10. I don't rate books. Have a blast hopping to/following new blogs or beginning great books!

    Here is my /Book blogger hop/Follow me/Book Beginnings post! I am an eclectic reader!

  11. Hey, I'm a new follower. Hey, I'm having a giveaway! Sign up!
    See ya,
    Readaholics Anonymous

  12. They can be both, I think. Good point there! :)

  13. I very seldom do book reviews on my blog, however, I do keep a book journal where I review the books I read for my own entertainment, and I do use a rating system. I use the 5 stars rating system.

    Also, my book journal helps me keep track of the books I read, and if a friend wants to borrow the book and asks if I liked it, I can refer back to my book journal review.

  14. Hey Stopping by from The Hop! I'm a new follower :)

    I have a giveaway goign on over at my blog. If you have the time come over and visit!

    have a great Friday!

  15. Just hopping background.

    Hop on over to my blog if you like.

  16. Great answer! Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'm hopping over to yours to say hi! I'm now a follower! :-) Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! I am not following you as well!

    Stephany @

  18. Hey Anne! Thanks so much for dropping by and for adding me to your follow list. :) You've a really nice site, I'm looking forward to checking out your reviews.

    --Noey, Would You Like Tea?

  19. LOL I completely understand the whole swinging between two ratings---I don't have a rating system on my blog, but the rating system does hold merit. I however just like to explain or speak my thoughts and feelings about the book and what I exactly liked about it and what I didn't than switching ratings constantly, every time I thought about it LOL. am now a follower! happy reading :)


  20. I have a rating system, but it's rather tongue and cheek. I find them to be arbitrary. And you're right, my thoughts on what I've read do evolve. I also would never want to discourage a person from reading a book because I did not like it or it did not resonate with me.


I look forward to your comments and interactions! Join in the conversation.