Friday, January 15, 2010

YA through the Decades -- Reading Challenge

A new year. A new challenge.

Whitney at Youth Services Corner is presenting us with a wonderful reading challenge. For 2010 I will join her and many other librarians, YA Lit fans, and teens across the country in reading a YA book written per decade starting in 1930 (or earlier.) The only "rule" is that the book has to have been written for Young Adults, features a teens point-of-view, or has become a favorite of teens over the years. Re-reads are fine. Start with any decade.

Here are a few books that I am considering, though this list is partial and not cast-in-stone:
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (1930s and earlier); Mrs. Mike by Benedict Freedman (1940s); A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle (1960s); Forever by Judy Blume (1970s)...I'm still trying to figure out what other books I'll read to fill in the other decades... 1950s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. Please join in this challenge or at least give me some suggestions in the comments section.

If you are a student or staff member at my school and would like to participate in this challenge, stop by the library and sign up. I will create a bulletin board celebrating the books we've all read by the decades. I look forward to having you join me in this challenge. I will also blog about my selections as I read them.

Now get reading!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this! I loved Little Women and Forever was my Judy Blume 'rude' book!


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